KRATON Yogyakarta was built in 1756 AD or the year 1682 by the Prince of Java Mangkubumi Sukowati later styled Sultan Hamengkubuwono I. After a long struggle between 1747-1755 which ended with Gianti Agreement.
Sultan's Palace before occupying the present, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono I or Hemengku Sultan Ingalogo Ngabdulrahman Buwono Sayidin Senopati Panotogomo Kalifatullah Ketawang live in Ambergris Gamping, Sleman. Five miles west of Yogyakarta Kingdom.
From Amber Ketawang Ngarso Dalem determine the capital of Mataram Kingdom in Pacetokan Village. An area that is flanked by two rivers and river Winongo Code. This location is in an imaginary line of the South Sea, Krapyak, the Palace, and Mount Merapi.
Sultan Palace comprises at least seven wards. Each ward is bordered by REGOL or entrance. Sixth REGOL is Regol Brojonolo, Sri Manganti, Danapratopo, Kemagangan, Gadungmlati, and Kemandungan.
Palace flanked by two square of Square North and the South Square. Each square size of approximately 100x100 meters. While overall sultan's palace stands on 1.5 square kilometers of land.
Building core fortified palace with double walls as high as 3.5 square meters (1000 x 1000 meters). So to enter it must pass through the gate called Plengkung. There are five gates Tarunasura or Plengkung Plengkung Wijilan Sea in the east court. Plengkung Jogosuro or Plengkung Ngasem the southwest. Plengkung Joyoboyo or Plengkung Castle in the west. Plengkung Nirboyo or Plengkung d'Ivoire to the south. Plengkung Tambakboyo or Plengkung Gondomanan east.
In the castle, especially those living in the south has a small road that serves to mobilize soldiers and weaponry. The four corners of the fort built bastions equipped with small holes that served to stake out the enemy.
The guard handed over the fortress palace of soldiers, Pvt Jogokaryo, Mantrijero Soldiers, Bugis and Pvt. Jogokaryo soldiers had passed the flag and lives in Kampong Jogokaryan. Mantrijero soldiers equipped with Union Flag Purnomosidi and live in Kampung Mantrijeron. Bugis warrior who flagged Unity Regis lived in Kampung Bugisan.
The reign of Sultan Palace Sultan Hamengkubuwono I (GRM Sujono) ruled in 1755-1792. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono II (GRM Sundoro) ruled in 1792-1812. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono III (GRM Surojo) led the year 1812-1814.
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IV (GRM Ibn Djarot) ruled in 1814-1823. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono V (GRM Gathot Menol) ruled in 1823-1855. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI (GRM Mustojo) ruled in 1855-1877. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VII (GRM Murtedjo) ruled in 1877-1921.
Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VIII (GRM Sudjadi) ruled in 1921-1939. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX (GRM Dorojatun) led the year 1940-1988. Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X (GRM Hardjuno Darpito) led in 1989 - now.
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